Much to my surprise and eternal happiness, we found out last week that my lovely wife is Pregnant. Her period was late about two weeks so we took a pregnancy test. It came up negative. Two more weeks later, still no period. Another week goes by, still no period. Now the little lady is starting to feel sick. Each day she wants to throw up, then she is fine, for an hour or two, then she wants to throw up again. So we do another of those at home pregnancy tests. And what do you know but it comes up positive. Now i am at work at this time while the wife stayed home sick that day. So i get the call at about 10am that morning. She says to me "honey, there is two lines on the pregnancy test, but one is dark and one is very faint, maybe it doesn't mean anything, hummm". Of course i am exstatic but she is a bit worried, so i stay calm and tell her i will stop off at the drugstore on my way home and pick up another test, just to be sure. I look at the test she already took that day and yup, it is positive. There is no denying it honey. But we will do the test again in the morning.
Well, the next morning we do the test, and sure enough it's positive also. Sorry honey, but two seperate tests from two seperate stores, it will be next to impossible that both these tests are defective. Guess what Babe, your PREGNANT.
And thats when the fun starts. Now, everytime she feels sick at night, guess what, ITS ALL MY FAULT. She feels tired, it's all my fault. She wants to throw up, it's all my fault. She can't eat supper, it's all my fault. She feels terrible in the morning and it's all my fault. Her boobies are sore and it's all my fault. Everything that makes her misserable for the next 12 weeks will all be my fault. Of course i will only smile and agree with her, which sometimes makes her want to smack me, but guess what, we are having a BABY, so i don't care if its all my fault.
I am sure anyone else out there whose wife is having or had a baby had to or is going through this also, where everything is all your fault, so i am not alone in this. But it just seems more intense when your wife is a Filipina woman. It may have to do with the fact that she is so far away from any family support at this moment, and is scared for what is coming up. So i do understand. But sorry honey, you know its YOUR fault too.....
So i did the only real thing i could do to alleiviate her suffering. I went out and bought the first box of diapers. hahahahahaha I mean, you do have to be practical at a time like this you know. Diapers are expensive, and they will be used. So start buying this stuff now, i say.
We are having a BABY...... WOOOOHOOOOO..... I LOVE YOU BABE
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