Saturday, July 13, 2013

8 Essential Filipina Dating Tips That Are Crucial to Successful Dating With Filipina Girls and Philippine Women

Foreign men might need some filipina dating tips before having an actual date with a Filipina. Even though Filipinas are not hard to impress, dates can come out awfully at times. To avoid the miserable mistakes, here are a few of the most essential filipina dating tips: * Arrive minutes before the scheduled time of your date. This simple act suggests that you are being thoughtful and considerate, not to mention, excited to meet her. * Look good and smell good. A Filipina likes men who smell nice. Dab on a little perfume as this would make you very alluring. Looking good means being neat like having a good haircut and nice clothing. Expensive looking clothes are not necessary but they could make quite an impact. * Be attentive to her and give plausible comments. A Filipina loves to chat. When she finds out that you share common grounds, she can tell you stories nonchalantly. Make sure that you can make her laugh. It's because a way to a Filipina's heart is a way where you can make her laugh. * Do not be too formal or professional-sounding. Generally, Filipinos are happy people. They wouldn't mind talking to a stranger to have a hearty talk about national issues and expel how they felt about them in a funny way. You don't want to be boring, really, so look for activities where both of you can enjoy and talk about them all the while. * Bring her to a good dining experience. A good restaurant won't hurt. But a cheap and dark one will.  Do not bring her to dark alleys, she might think negative of you. * Talk about yourself, but be honest, especially when it comes to your status and financial affairs. Lying must never be initiated. Soon she'll find out if you lied and it can come to bitter ends. * Be open about your family and be interested in her family. Filipinos have closely-knit family ties. They are concerned with their families even at old age. A date might surprise you when she brings along her sister; don't look like you cannot wait to be alone with her. This is a point against you, at least where her sister is concerned. Even then, you should try to make a good impression to her family. * Attraction can be noticed between you when she smiles. Do not take advantage of her in any way. A Filipina likes a gentleman. She wants to be treated with utmost respect. Dating can happen more than twice. It takes two to tango, as the old saying goes. It's either you like her and she does too or you like her and she doesn't feel the same way. Don't be pushy. If you really like her, don't give up. Sometimes she is just testing you. This is a Filipina. She is smart and beautiful in every right. She knows what she wants and does everything to achieve her goals. To have a foreigner as a date can be challenge and fun at the same time for her. She is very much willing to impress you the way you wanted to impress her. Filipinas are chosen by many foreigners because of their loving and caring attitude for their loved ones. Follow these simple Filipina dating tips and get the loving girl of your wildest dreams. Read more tips about dating Filipina girls online at

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